Connor Whitlow

Computer Science and Economics Double Major with a Data Science Minor at UNC Chapel Hill

About Me

I'm a junior Computer Science and Economics student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Passionate about software engineering, artificial intelligence, and finance. I currently work at the UNC BeAM Makerspace as a Program Assistant. I Conduct technical maintenance and improvements on makerspace equipment and space to ensure optimal performance and accessibility for users. I also lead hands-on workshops and training sessions, allowing students and faculty to utilize complex tools and technology successfully. I'm a passionate member of the Carolina Adapts Toys for Children where I collaborate with peers to adapt and modify commercially available toys for children with disabilities. I Won Best Game Award at HackNC where I developed Sort Royale, a full-stack project with a team that teaches computer science sorting algorithms in a game-like fashion.

Relevant Experience

Program Assistant

BeAM UNC, Chapel Hill, NC - January 2024 - Present

Conduct technical maintenance and improvements on makerspace equipment and space to ensure optimal performance and accessibility for users. Lead hands-on workshops and training sessions, allowing students and faculty to successfully utilize complex tools and technology. Provide personalized technical support and guidance, encouraging a collaborative environment for creative projects and innovation

Software Engineer Intern

Computer Science Experience Lab UNC, Chapel Hill, NC - August 2024 - December 2024

Utilize technical leadership skills, emphasizing collaborative design, implementation, and delivery of human-centered software systems. Improve spoken and written technical communications to specific audiences of stakeholders, with an emphasis on collaborators. Design, specify, construct, verify iterating on, and operate production-grade software systems in a team setting.


Starbucks, Wilmington, NC - October 2021 - August 2022

Delivered outstanding customer service in a fast-paced environment, consistently exceeding guest expectations. Developed efficient time management and communication skills, managing multiple tasks and adapting to a changing environment. Maintained a positive and friendly demeanor, creating a welcoming atmosphere for customers.

Relevant Classes

COMP 426

Modern Web Programming

COMP 421

Files and Databases

COMP 523

Software Engineering Lab

COMP 433

Mobile Computing

COMP 423

Foundations of Software Engineering

COMP 311

Computer Organization


Data Structures
R Studio
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Problem Solving
Data Analysis
Project Management
Technical Troubleshooting
Data Visualization