Computer Science and Economics Double Major with a Data Science Minor at UNC Chapel Hill
I'm a junior Computer Science and Economics student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Passionate about software engineering, artificial intelligence, and finance. I currently work at the UNC BeAM Makerspace as a Program Assistant. I Conduct technical maintenance and improvements on makerspace equipment and space to ensure optimal performance and accessibility for users. I also lead hands-on workshops and training sessions, allowing students and faculty to utilize complex tools and technology successfully. I'm a passionate member of the Carolina Adapts Toys for Children where I collaborate with peers to adapt and modify commercially available toys for children with disabilities. I Won Best Game Award at HackNC where I developed Sort Royale, a full-stack project with a team that teaches computer science sorting algorithms in a game-like fashion.
BeAM UNC, Chapel Hill, NC - January 2024 - Present
Conduct technical maintenance and improvements on makerspace equipment and space to ensure optimal performance and accessibility for users. Lead hands-on workshops and training sessions, allowing students and faculty to successfully utilize complex tools and technology. Provide personalized technical support and guidance, encouraging a collaborative environment for creative projects and innovation
Computer Science Experience Lab UNC, Chapel Hill, NC - August 2024 - December 2024
Utilize technical leadership skills, emphasizing collaborative design, implementation, and delivery of human-centered software systems. Improve spoken and written technical communications to specific audiences of stakeholders, with an emphasis on collaborators. Design, specify, construct, verify iterating on, and operate production-grade software systems in a team setting.
Starbucks, Wilmington, NC - October 2021 - August 2022
Delivered outstanding customer service in a fast-paced environment, consistently exceeding guest expectations. Developed efficient time management and communication skills, managing multiple tasks and adapting to a changing environment. Maintained a positive and friendly demeanor, creating a welcoming atmosphere for customers.
Modern Web Programming
Files and Databases
Software Engineering Lab
Mobile Computing
Foundations of Software Engineering
Computer Organization